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Hi! Thank you for visiting!

I’m Jaime! Mom of 2, wife of 1.

Lover of sunshine, mac and cheese and coffee.

Strength training is my love and I really dislike jogging regularly.

I am an ISSA certified Personal Trainer, OTA certified Online Trainer, and Precision Nutritional Level 1 &2 certified Nutritional Coach, with 7 years coaching people just like you.

Strength training saved me.

When I stopped focusing on the number on the scale and started focusing on the number on the bar, the mindset shifts and nutritional habits slowly followed.

Having children transformed me.

I want them to grow up with a mom who looks at herself in the mirror every day and smiles. Who happily eats ice cream with them on a Tuesday because it felt like a good day for ice cream. Who lifts up heavy stuff for fun because it feels good and it makes her thrive.

As a teen in the early 2000’s, I dealt with a variety of issues - ADHD, bulimia and body dysmorphia being some of the main ones. A lot of us have these stories - I accept that.

Where the magic happens is what you DO with that.

I tackled. Head on, in the weight room. I learned about nutrition from a scientific standpoint.

I was literally determined to pull myself to a level playing field, no matter how long it took. And it took years.

Now that I have climbed that crappy mountain, the view is much better. I taught myself the true value of strength.

You see, strength training in the gym healed my mind. It taught me that in order to get stronger, I had to increase weight/reps.
Increasing a number…hmm, that was different. My whole life it’s been about making numbers smaller.

Well, in order to increase those numbers in the gym I had to eat more. Hmm…that was different. My whole life it’s been about eating less.

You see where this is going?

Through this change process my mindset began to shift. And as that shifted, so did my views on my body, my life, my habits and thought patterns and self-talk. Because that stuff never served me in the gym. It brought me down. And the more I gave into it or tried to balance competing objectives, the the more stuck I felt.

It took a lot of up and downs but here I am - stronger then ever, from the inside out. No more stuck. Always moving forward. More confident in my body then I have EVER been. I have an incredible handle on how to achieve aesthetic changes, and a much better outlook on if those changes are even worth it at any given time. I can deadlift better than most people I know and can teach you how to do the same.

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What Are Your Goals?

 My fitness passion is strength training.

My nutritional passion is eating good food that I love without feeling guilt and anxiety.

My mindset passion is strength, inside and out.

Focusing on the number on the bar, and not on the scale.

Ready for Strength?

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